
Policy Timeline

Timeline of Past Maryland Policy Decisions & State Energy Goals

The Maryland legislature has a long track record of dealing with energy-related policy and regulation. In past sessions, the Maryland General Assembly has established goals related to energy consumption and supply, as well as to the associated emissions.

This timeline highlights of some past policy decisions, but it is not a complete record of those decisions.

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2024 Transportation – Vision Zero – Implementation

Establishing the Vision Zero Advisory Commission to advise the Department of Transportation on best practices intended to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on roadways in all modes of ground transportation using data-driven prevention strategies, with an emphasis on a Safe System approach; and requiring the Department to submit a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 31 each year on the findings and recommendations of the Commission.

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2024 Maryland Building Performance Standards – Local Requests for Guidance – Religious Considerations

Requiring the Maryland Department of Labor, on request of a local jurisdiction and in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, to provide guidance for the implementation and enforcement of the Maryland Building Performance Standards in relation to any religious observance, practice, or belief.

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2024 Landlord and Tenant – Notice of Utility Bills in Residential Leases – Gas and Electric Services

Adding gas and electric utility services to the types of services for which certain landlords are required to provide a certain notice in a written lease and a copy of a certain receipt or bill summary under certain circumstances.

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2024 Environment – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions – Manufacturers

Altering the definition of “manufacturing” for purposes of certain greenhouse gas emissions reduction requirements to exclude the production of cement; altering the application of certain provisions of law regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing sector to apply only to persons that engaged in manufacturing in 2023; altering certain prohibitions that apply to a State agency’s implementation of a final plan to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions; etc.

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2024 Environment – Commission on Climate Change Membership – Additions

Adding the Secretary of Emergency Management, or the Secretary’s designee, and the Chair of the Public Service Commission, or the Chair’s designee, as members of the Commission on Climate Change.

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2024 Electricity – Tariffs, Distributed Energy Resources, and Electric Distribution System Support Services (Distributed Renewable Integration and Vehicle Electrification (DRIVE) Act)

Requiring an investor-owned electric company to file certain time-of-use tariffs with the Public Service Commission by July 1, 2025; requiring an investor-owned electric company to attempt to achieve a reasonable enrollment target for the tariffs by January 1, 2028; authorizing the Commission to require the automatic enrollment of certain customers in a time-of-use tariff on an opt-out basis; requiring the Commission to adopt certain regulations by May 1, 2025, regarding the interconnection of certain systems; etc.

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2024 Electric System Planning – Scope and Funding

Altering the scope of certain policy goals with regard to energy systems; requiring the Public Service Commission to report on certain projects relating to certain goals; altering the scope of certain funds that may be used for certain projects; requiring the Commission to adopt regulations to require investment in certain demand-side reliability and efficiency improvement methods; requiring that certain regulations adopted and orders issued by the Commission be developed in a certain manner; etc.

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2024 Condominiums – Common Elements – Clean Energy Equipment

Authorizing the board of directors of a condominium, by a majority vote, to grant leases in excess of 1 year or similar interests affecting the common elements of the condominium for the installation and use of leased clean energy equipment.

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2024 Common Ownership Communities – Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment (Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment Act of 2024)

Altering certain requirements for procedures relating to electric vehicle recharging equipment; establishing requirements and procedures relating to an application to the governing body of a cooperative housing corporation to install or use electric vehicle recharging equipment; and requiring the Department of Housing and Community Development to publish information on its common ownership community website regarding certain requirements, contractor and insurer information, points of contact, and dispute resolution resources.

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2024 Business Regulation – Sale of Motor Fuel – Pricing Signage (Gas Price Clarity Act)

Establishing that certain provisions governing signage at retail service stations supersede inconsistent local law; altering a signage requirement for retail service stations relating to the price of regular gasoline so that the signage prominently displays clearly and visibly the credit and debit price, if higher than the cash price, or the credit and debit price and the cash price; repealing an exemption from a certain signage requirement for retail service station dealers with not more than 3 dispensing units; etc.

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2024 Anaerobic Digestion Technology – Coordination and Guidance

Requiring the Department of Agriculture to coordinate with the Maryland Energy Administration, the Department of the Environment, the Department of Commerce, the University of Maryland College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore, electric companies, farmers, and industry to ensure anaerobic digestion technology projects are not unduly delayed; etc.

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2024 Public Utilities – Thermal Energy Network Systems – Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act)

Requiring certain gas companies and authorizing certain gas companies to develop a plan for a pilot thermal energy network system or systems by October 1, 2024; requiring a gas company that serves at least 75,000 customers in its distribution territory to submit either one or two proposals for a pilot system to the Public Service Commission for approval by July 1, 2025; authorizing a municipal corporation, county, or community organization to submit neighborhoods to gas companies for consideration as part of a pilot system; etc.

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2024 Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council – Membership

Codifying provisions relating to the Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council; altering and clarifying the composition of the Council to include certain public and private sector members; requiring the Council to submit interim reports of its work to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2024, and December 1, 2025; and requiring the Council to submit a final report of its work and recommendations by June 30, 2026.

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2024 Energy Efficiency and Conservation Plans

Requiring each electric company, each gas company, and the Department of Housing and Community Development to develop a plan for achieving certain energy efficiency, conservation, and greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets through certain programs and services and superseding certain existing energy efficiency and conservation goals; requiring the Public Service Commission to establish a working group to study and make recommendations on extending certain program assistance to certain moderate-income households; etc.

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2024 Electricity and Gas – Retail Supply – Regulation and Consumer Protection

Establishing an energy salesperson license for certain persons that offer or sell electricity or gas supply agreements to customers in the State; providing for the terms of electricity supplier, energy salesperson, and gas supplier licenses issued by the Public Service Commission; establishing certain licensing and renewal requirements for certain persons; providing for certain disciplinary actions by the Commission against electricity suppliers, gas suppliers, and energy salespersons for certain acts; etc.

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2024 Department of General Services – State Buildings and Facilities – Energy Conservation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions

Altering the State’s goals for reducing energy consumption in State buildings; requiring the Maryland Green Building Council to update the High Performance Green Building Program to ensure that the Program aligns with certain greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals; requiring the Department of General Services to identify State-owned facilities that are potential candidates for energy performance contracts; etc.

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2024 Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Related Approvals – Definition of Generating Station (Critical Infrastructure Streamlining Act of 2024)

Altering and establishing the definition of “generating station” for the purpose of exempting the construction of certain generating facilities used to produce electricity for the purpose of onsite emergency backup and certain test and maintenance operations from the requirement to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity or certain other related approvals under certain circumstances.

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2024 State Board of Electricians – Licensing – Penalties

Authorizing the State Board of Electricians to impose a civil penalty of up to $5,000 instead of or in addition to reprimanding a licensee or suspending or revoking a license for certain violations; requiring the Board to consider certain factors to determine the amount of a penalty imposed under the Act; and requiring by October 1, 2024, the Board to submit to certain committees of the General Assembly a report, covering years 2018 through 2023, on the Board’s practices and processes for the timely resolution of complaints against licensees.

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2024 Public Utilities – Solar Energy Systems and Programs, Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund, and Prevailing Wage (Brighter Tomorrow Act)

Requiring that certain home improvement contracts for the installation of a solar energy generating system on the roof of a building include the installation of a certain wildlife barrier under certain circumstances; altering the maximum generating capacity authorized for certain net metered generating facilities; authorizing an eligible customer-generator participating in certain meter aggregation to receive excess generation from more than one generating system; altering the expiration date of renewable energy credits; etc.

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2024 Maryland Clean Energy Center – Climate Technology Founder’s Fund

Establishing the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund in the Maryland Clean Energy Center; requiring the Maryland Energy Administration to use the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund to provide at least $1,200,000 in each fiscal year for fiscal years 2025 through 2028 to the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund; authorizing the Governor, on or before June 30, 2024, to transfer up to $2,200,000 of funds in the the Small, Minority, and Women-Owned Businesses Account to the Climate Technology Founder’s Fund; etc.

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2024 Environment – Nuclear Power Plants – Emergency Preparedness (Radiation and Emergency Preparedness and Protection Act)

Establishing the Radiation Emergency Response Program in the Department of the Environment; requiring the Department to serve as an offsite response organization and the lead State agency for all nuclear incidents within the State; requiring the Department to prepare a technical emergency radiation response plan, respond to emergencies involving a nuclear power plant, participate in a certain federal program, and procure certain specialized equipment; etc.

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2024 Electricity – Offshore Wind Projects – Alterations

Requiring the Public Service Commission on June 1, 2024, to open a revised Round 2 proceeding to evaluate certain offshore wind projects; authorizing certain offshore wind projects to submit certain revised plans for project schedules, sizes, or pricing, including offshore wind renewable energy credit pricing, and, under certain circumstances, to seek approval from the Commission to increase the maximum amount of offshore wind renewable energy credits sold under a certain order, subject to certain limitations; etc.

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2024 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup

Establishing the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Workgroup; and requiring the Workgroup to report its framework and recommendations to the Senate Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee and the House Economic Matters Committee on or before November 1, 2024.

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2024 Commission to Advance Lithium–Ion Battery Safety in Maryland

Establishing the Commission to Advance Lithium-Ion Battery Safety in Maryland; requiring the Commission to study and make legislative, regulatory, programmatic, and other recommendations regarding certain best practices, standards, and guidelines; and requiring the Commission to submit an interim report of its progress and status to the Legislative Policy Committee on or before December 1, 2024, and a final report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2025.

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2023 Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority – Evaluation, Termination of Bond Authority, and Assumption of Functions, Employees, and Contracts (Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority Sunset Act)

Prohibiting the Northeast Maryland Waste Disposal Authority from issuing bonds beginning June 1, 2023; requiring the Department of Legislative Services to evaluate the Authority providing enough detail for the General Assembly to determine whether the Authority should continue in its current form; etc.

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2023 Department of General Services – Energy-Conserving Standards (Maryland Sustainable Buildings Act of 2023)

Requiring the Department of General Services to establish and periodically update standards for State buildings to conserve energy and minimize adverse impacts on birds; requiring the Maryland Green Building Council to include the standards in certain requirements established for the Maryland High Performance Green Building Program; defining “State building” as one acquired, constructed, or renovated by the State or one for which 50% of the money for acquisition, construction, or renovation came from State funds; etc.

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2023 Electricity – Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Program and Property Taxes

Making permanent the Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Pilot Program; requiring a community solar energy generating system to serve at least 40% of its kilowatt-hour output to low-income and moderate-income subscribers under certain circumstances; authorizing a subscription coordinator to act on behalf of a subscriber organization; altering requirements related to the siting and size of certain community solar energy generating systems projects; authorizing the use of consolidated billing for certain charges; etc.

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2023 Energy Storage – Targets and Maryland Energy Storage Program – Establishment

Requiring the Public Service Commission to establish certain targets for the deployment of new energy storage devices in the State; requiring the Commission to establish and implement the Maryland Energy Storage Program to meet certain energy storage goals and develop a certain energy storage system in the State; and requiring the Commission to submit a certain report to the General Assembly by December 31, 2023, regarding the implementation of the Maryland Energy Storage Program and any needed statutory changes.

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2023 Equitable and Inclusive Transit-Oriented Development Enhancement Act

Repealing the authority of the Secretary of Transportation to designate transit-oriented development; establishing the Transit-Oriented Development Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund to promote the equitable and inclusive development of transit-oriented developments; authorizing the Department of Transportation to use the Fund to provide financial assistance to local jurisdictions; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill an amount sufficient to ensure a Fund balance of at least $5,000,000; etc.

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2023 Offshore Wind Energy – State Goals and Procurement (Promoting Offshore Wind Energy Resources Act)

Requiring an application for any new qualified offshore wind project and a certain proposal for an offshore wind transmission facility to be subject to a certain community benefit agreement; requiring the Public Service Commission to request that PJM Interconnection conduct a certain analysis of transmission system upgrade and expansion options; altering the requirements for a certain report on offshore wind projects; requiring the Commission, by a certain date each year starting in 2024, to report on its Supplier Diversity Program; etc.

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2023 Office of the Attorney General – Environmental and Natural Resources Crimes Unit – Establishment

Establishing the Environmental and Natural Resources Crimes Unit of the Office of the Attorney General to investigate and prosecute cases against persons that violate State criminal environmental and natural resources laws; requiring, on or before November 30 each year, the Attorney General to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on all the activities of the Unit and any actions taken by the Department of the Environment or the Department of Natural Resources in response to the findings and recommendations of the Unit; etc.

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2023 Public Service Commission – Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity – Local Permits

Establishing that a county or a municipal corporation has the authority to approve or deny any local permit required under a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued by the Public Service Commission for generating stations, transmission lines, and qualified generator lead lines; requiring a county or municipal corporation to approve or deny the local permits in a certain manner; prohibiting a county or municipal corporation from conditioning the approval of the local permits on certain approvals; etc.

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2023 Public Utilities – Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Meter Aggregation

Defining “generating station” as it relates to the requirement to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity or approval from the Public Service Commission for a person who constructs a generating station that has the capacity to produce more than 2 but not more than 14 megawatts of electricity from a solar photovoltaic system; requiring an electric company to provide meter aggregation for certain eligible customer-generators under certain circumstances; etc.

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2023 Public Service Commission – Judicial Review – Proceedings

Clarifying that a certain proceeding for judicial review of a final decision or order by the Public Service Commission may be instituted in a circuit court for a county in which the public service company that is a party to the proceeding provides service or in the Circuit Court for Baltimore City.

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2023 Utility Account Holders – Victims of Abuse – Protections

Authorizing an account holder who is the victim of abuse to terminate, and requiring a utility to allow for the termination of, the account holder’s future liability under a utility contract if the account holder provides the utility with certain written notice requesting termination of the account holder’s future liability under the contract; requiring a utility to allow an account holder who terminates a utility contract under the Act to open a new utility account notwithstanding a certain account balance or arrearage; etc.

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2023 Vehicle Laws – HOV Lanes – Plug–In Electric Drive Vehicles

Authorizing certain plug-in electric drive vehicles for which a permit has been issued by the Motor Vehicle Administration to use high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes regardless of the number of passengers in the vehicles; requiring the Administration to charge a fee, not to exceed $20, for issuing the permit; and requiring, on or before January 1 each year, a report to be submitted to the Governor and the General Assembly on the effect of the use of the plug-in electric drive vehicle permits on the operation of HOV lanes.

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2023 Maryland Electricians Act – Revisions

Altering the entity that must administer or approve an apprenticeship program for electricians; substituting the term “uninsured” for the term “inactive” in certain provisions of law relating to liability insurance requirements for certain electricians; prohibiting a certain electrician from contracting to provide electrical services unless the electrical work is covered by certain liability insurance; specifying who is authorized and required to purchase certain insurance; etc.

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2023 Maryland Energy Administration – Energy Programs – Modifications (Clean Transportation and Energy Act)

Altering the Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment Program by extending the duration of the Program through fiscal year 2026, repealing the rebates that may be issued to retail service station dealers and increasing the limitation on the total amount of rebates that the Maryland Energy Administration may issue in each fiscal year; altering the Medium-Duty and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Grant Program by altering the definition of “grant”; etc.

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2023 Task Force to Study Solar Incentives

Establishing the Task Force to Study Solar Incentives to study the types and impact of solar energy incentives and make recommendations regarding measures and incentives needed to ensure that the State meets the solar energy goals established in the State’s renewable energy portfolio standard, minority business participation, the creation of good quality jobs, equitable access to renewable energy, and efficient use of land; and requiring the Task Force to submit its report to the General Assembly on or before December 15, 2023.

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2023 Electricity – Net Energy Metering and Virtual Net Energy Metering – Accrual of Net Excess Generation (Net Metering Flexibility Act)

Authorizing a certain eligible customer-generator to accrue net excess generation for an indefinite period; requiring the Public Service Commission to establish a method for calculating the value of certain accrued net excess generation; and requiring that a subscriber of a community solar energy generating system accrue virtual net excess generation in the same manner as a certain eligible customer-generator.

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2023 Department of the Environment – Zero-Emission Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles – Regulations (Clean Trucks Act of 2023)

Requiring the Department of the Environment to adopt regulations on or before December 1, 2023, establishing requirements for the sale of new zero-emission medium-and heavy-duty vehicles; requiring the Department, in consultation with certain units of State government, to prepare and submit to the General Assembly a certain needs assessment and deployment plan on or before December 1, 2024; altering certain definitions, applicability, and preferences for purposes of the Medium-Duty and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Grant Program; etc.

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2023 Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Services – Journeyman License – Qualifications

Altering certain qualifications for a journeyman license to provide heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and refrigeration services to require having held an apprentice license for 4 rather than 3 years and having completed at least 6,000 rather than 1,875 hours of training under the direction and control of a licensed contractor.

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2023 Investor-Owned Utilities – Prevailing Wage – Enforcement

Requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to enforce certain prevailing wage requirements for contractors and subcontractors working on projects involving and traffic control activities related to underground gas or electric infrastructure of an investor-owned gas company, electric company, or gas and electric company; requiring certain contractors and subcontractors to request from the Department a copy of a certain wage determination and ensure that employees are paid in compliance with existing prevailing wage rates; etc.

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2023 Public Utilities – Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs – Energy Performance Targets and Low-Income Housing

Requiring the Department of Housing and Community Development to procure or provide for electricity customers energy efficiency and conservation programs and services designed to achieve certain target annual incremental gross energy savings for the 2024-2026 program cycle; requiring the Department to update the weather-normalized gross retail sales against which savings are measured for certain plans; requiring the target annual incremental gross energy savings to be achieved based on an average of certain Department plans; etc.

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2023 Maryland Forestry Education Fund – Establishment

Establishing the Maryland Forestry Education Fund to expand and enhance the Maryland Forestry Foundation’s capacity to provide certain education and resources to forest landowners, the ability of district forestry boards and the knowledge of local governments to achieve healthy and sustainable forests, and the ability of businesses to test innovative best management practices in forestry; and requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill $250,000 for the Fund in fiscal years 2025 and 2026.

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2023 Pathways in Technology Early College High (P-TECH) School Program – High School Diplomas

Requiring that each memorandum of understanding establishing a school in the Pathways in Technology Early College High (P-TECH) School Program ensures that each P-TECH student receives a high school diploma immediately following completion of high school graduation requirements.

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2023 Economic Development – Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program and Fund (Innovation Economy Infrastructure Act of 2023)

Establishing the Build Our Future Grant Pilot Program in the Department of Commerce to provide funding for certain costs for infrastructure projects in eligible technology sectors; requiring certain grantees to provide matching funds and to demonstrate certain abilities; establishing the Build Our Future Grant Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; and requiring the Department to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the projects funded through and the economic impact of the Program on or before July 1, 2026.

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2023 Land Use – Public Service Companies – Pollinator-Friendly Vegetation Management and Utility-Designated Pollinator Areas

Prohibiting local jurisdictions from imposing certain limitations and land use restrictions on utility-designated pollinator areas maintained by a public service company under certain conditions; requiring certain public service companies to mow utility-designated pollinator areas in a certain manner in order to minimize disturbances to habitats; etc.

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2022 Public Utilities – Electric School Bus Pilot Program

Establishes an electric school bus pilot program; requires the Public Service Commission to implement and administer the pilot program; authorizes investor-owned electric companies to apply to the Commission to implement an electric school bus pilot program with a participating school system if the pilot program meets certain standards; authorizes investor-owned electric companies to recover costs under the pilot program, with approval of the Commission; etc.

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Clean Cars Act of 2022

Establishes the Medium-Duty and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Grant Program for certain vehicles and equipment to be administered by the Maryland Energy Administration; alters, for certain fiscal years, the vehicle excise tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles; decreases the maximum base purchase price to $50 K for purposes of the electric vehicle excise tax credit and reduces the vehicle excise tax credit for certain electric drive vehicles; etc.

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2022 Property Tax – Community Solar Energy Generating Systems – Agrivoltaics

Exempts community solar energy generating systems from personal property taxes; requires the Department of Assessments and Taxation to assess land used by a community solar energy generating system; requires counties or municipalities to grant a property tax credit against the property tax imposed on property where a community solar energy generating system is installed; establishes a tax credit against the State property tax imposed on real property; etc.

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2022 Maryland Department of Emergency Management – Office of Resilience

Establishes the Office of Resilience in the Maryland Department of Emergency Management; requires the Secretary of Emergency Management to appoint a Chief Resilience Officer to direct the Office of Resilience; and requires the Office of Resilience to coordinate with appropriate State agencies and State entities to meet certain goals.

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2022 Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Renewable Energy Credits – Offshore Wind

Alters the application of the offshore wind energy component of the renewable energy portfolio standard to apply only to distribution sales of electric companies; alters the manner in which an electric company may reflect and recover offshore wind renewable energy credit costs; alters certain compliance fees for shortfalls from the offshore wind energy component of the renewable energy portfolio standard; etc.

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2022 Community Solar Energy Generating Systems – Exemption From Property Taxes

Exempts from personal property taxes a community solar energy generating system that provides at least 50% of the energy it produces to low- or moderate-income customers at a cost at least 20% less than the amount charged by the electric company serving the area where the system is located and is installed on a rooftop, parking facility canopy, or brownfield; requires the county or a municipality to accept applications after December 31, 2024; etc.

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2022 Residential Construction – Electric Vehicle Charging

Requires a builder of new housing units including single-family detached homes and townhomes or a builder’s agent to provide each buyer or prospective buyer with the option to include on or in a garage, carport, or driveway an electric vehicle charging station or a dedicated electric line capable of providing at least level 2 charging; requires a builder or builder’s agent to give to buyers and prospective buyers notice of options and information about rebate programs.

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2022 Vehicle Laws – Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicles – Reserved Parking Spaces

Prohibits a person from stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle that is not a plug-in electric drive vehicle plugged into charging equipment in a parking space that is designated for the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles; establishes standards for signage designating reserved parking for plug-in electric drive vehicles; requiring that a parking space that is for the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles be counted as part of the overall number of parking spaces for purposes of complying with laws; etc.

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2022 Electricity – Community Solar Energy Generating Systems – Generating Capacity

Alters the maximum generating capacity of a community solar energy generating system for purposes of net energy metering; increases the maximum generating capacity of a community solar energy generating system to 5 megawatts; and specifies that a community solar energy generating system is not a generating station if the generating capacity of the community solar energy generating system does not exceed 2 megawatts.

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2022 Maryland Energy Administration – Resiliency Hub Grant Program and Fund

Establishes the Resiliency Hub Grant Program in the Maryland Energy Administration to develop resiliency hubs that serve low- and moderate-income households at no cost to the households; defines “resiliency hub” as a location where solar photovoltaic and battery energy storage are designed to provide electricity during extended grid outages; requires the Administration to establish procedures and criteria for the Program; requires that fines and penalties be credited to a certain fund; etc.

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2022 Maryland Transit Administration – Conversion to Zero-Emission Buses (Zero-Emission Bus Transition Act Revisions)

Requires the Maryland Transit Administration to provide safety and workforce development training for its operations training workforce and its maintenance workforce; requires the Administration’s annual report on the implementation of the conversion of the State’s transit bus fleet to zero-emission buses to include a plan that ensures employee protections and certification that the Administration is adhering to the plan.

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Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022

Requires the State to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by altering statewide greenhouse gas emissions goals, establishing of a net-zero statewide greenhouse gas emissions goal, developing energy efficiency and emissions reduction requirements for buildings, requiring electric companies to increase their annual incremental gross energy savings, establishing zero-emission vehicle requirements for the State fleet, and establishing an electric school bus pilot program; etc.

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2021 Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard – Wastewater, Thermal, and Other Renewable Sources

Expands the types of energy sources qualifying as Tier 1 renewable sources under the renewable energy portfolio standard; alters the types and uses of methane made from certain sources that qualify as Tier 1 renewable sources; adds certain wastewater used in certain manners to the definition of a “Tier 1 renewable source”; authorizes energy from a wastewater heating or cooling system to be eligible for inclusion in meeting the renewable energy portfolio standard under certain conditions.

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Clean Cars Act of 2021

Extends and alters, for FY 2021 through FY 2023, the Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment Rebate Program and the vehicle excise tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles; increases the amount of rebates issued by the Maryland Energy Administration to $1.8 M; increases the maximum total purchase price of certain electric vehicles; and reduces the vehicle excise tax credit for certain electric drive vehicles.

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2021 Electricity – Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard – Qualifying Biomass

Alters the definition of “qualifying biomass” to exclude energy derived from certain material being eligible for meeting Tier 1 criteria under the renewable energy portfolio standard; provides that existing obligations or contract rights are not affected by the Act; and applies all renewable energy portfolio standard compliance after January 1, 2022.

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2021 Maryland Transit Administration – Conversion to Zero-Emission Buses (Zero-Emission Bus Transition Act)

Requires the Maryland Transit Administration to purchase zero-emission buses for the Administration’s State transit bus fleet beginning FY 2023. Requires the Administration to submit a report to the General Assembly by January 1, 2022, and each January 1 thereafter, on the implementation of the Act. The report includes a schedule for converting to zero-emission buses and a plan for transitioning adversely affected State employees.

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2021 Energy Efficiency – Net-Zero Homes – Contract Preferences

Requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to give preference to applications for funding for a net-zero home from the Energy-Efficient Homes Construction Fund using services of small, minority, women-owned, and veteran-owned businesses in the clean energy industry, and businesses providing employment for individuals trained through workforce development programs supported by the Strategic Energy Investment Fund and the Clean Energy Workforce Account.

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2021 Utilities – Net Energy Metering

Increases the maximum generation capacity of an electric generating system used by eligible customer-generators for net metering to 5 megawatts; and prohibits the Public Service Commission from prohibiting the construction or operation of multiple net metered solar generating facilities located on contiguous lots owned by a local government solely because the capacity of the combined net metering systems exceeds the 5-megawatt limit.

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2020 Income Tax – Energy Storage Tax Credit – Alterations

Defines “taxpayer” as the owner of residential or commercial property who purchases and installs an energy storage system or an individual that owns or pays for the installation of an energy storage system that supplies energy for use on a residential or commercial property; provides a state income credit for the install costs of the storage system; and increases the maximum tax credit certificate to $150 K.

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2019 Clean Energy Jobs

Establishes criteria for qualified offshore wind projects applied for after July 1, 2017, termed Round 2 offshore wind projects; alters and extends the minimum required percentage of energy derived from Tier 1 renewable sources in the State’s renewable energy portfolio standard; and alters and extends the minimum required percentage of Tier 1 renewable energy derived from solar energy in the State’s renewable energy portfolio standard.

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2019 Public Safety – Solar Photovoltaic Systems – Lockout Tag Requirement

Requires a company that leases solar photovoltaic systems to install a lockout tag containing a safety warning; requires a company to provide customers with lockout tags for solar photovoltaic systems previously installed; provides for the enforcement of the Act through a civil penalty of at least $100 but not more than $500, and specifies that local governments shall retain the funds.

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2019 School Bus Purchasing – Zero-Emission Vehicle – Requirement

Requires that each school bus purchased after October 1, 2022, be a zero-emission vehicle. The law includes county boards of education and individuals providing contract transportation services.

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2019 Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicle Excise Tax Credit

Provides a permanent tax credit for the purchase of electric vehicles while authorizing individuals or business entities that do not receive a tax credit in a fiscal year to claim the credit during the next fiscal year. It authorizes the tax credit, up to $1.5 K for certain used vehicles and limits the total amount of credit per year to $8 M.

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2019 Electricity – Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Pilot Program – Extension

Prohibits a maximum number of subscribers to a community solar energy generating system under the Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Pilot Program; provides for an increase in the generating capacity and capacity limits to be included in the pilot program; alters the termination date of the pilot program to between December 31, 2024, through July 1, 2022. A report is due to the General Assembly at the end of the pilot program.

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2019 Vehicle Laws-HOV Lanes-Plug-In Electric Drive and Hybrid Vehicles

Alters the termination date for provisions of law authorizing electric drive vehicles to use a high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane under certain circumstances regardless of the number of passengers in the vehicle; and alters the termination date for certain provisions of law regarding the use of HOV lanes by electric drive vehicles applicable to qualified hybrid vehicles.

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2019 Regional Initiative to Limit or Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Transportation Sector – Authorization (Regional Transportation and Climate Protection Act of 2019)

Authorizes the Governor to include the State as a full participant in an initiative, agreement, or compact that limit or reduces greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector; authorizes the Governor to impose a greenhouse gas emission fee on the sale or distribution of motor fuel and requires the Department of the Environment and the Department of Transportation to submit a report to the General Assembly on or before November 1, 2019.

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2018 Offshore Drilling Liability Act

Establishes offshore drilling as an ultrahazardous and abnormally dangerous activity; establishes that a person causing a spill of oil or gas during offshore drilling is strictly liable for damages; and provides that provisions concerning a certain bond do not apply to a judgment in a civil action for damages relating to offshore drilling.

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2018 Real Property – New Home Sales – Information on Energy-Efficient Options

Requires a developer of 11 or more homes to provide a purchaser with written information on energy-efficient options, including tax credits that may be available and requires a contract for a new home contain acknowledgment that the purchaser was provided with the information.

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2018 Solar Electric Generating Facility – Notice of Sale or Transfer

Requires that an owner of a certain solar electric generating facility provide certain notice of the sale or transfer of the facility to certain persons within a certain period of time.

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2018 Zoning Amendments – Energy Generating Systems

Prohibits a local legislative body from granting an amendment to change certain zoning classifications on parcels of land based on findings if the primary reason for the proposed amendment is the existence of a certain energy generating system; applies the Act to certain home rule counties and Baltimore City; and defines a certain term.

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Clean Cars Act of 2017

Extends the Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment Rebate Program and authorization to issue motor vehicle excise tax credits for qualifying plug-in electric drive vehicles through FY 2020 while increasing the amount of rebates to $1.2 M; increases the amount of funds transferred from the Strategic Energy Investment Fund to the Transportation Trust Fund and increases the amount of motor vehicle excise tax credits issued during a fiscal year.

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2017 Income Tax Credit – Energy Storage Systems

2017 Income Tax Credit – Energy Storage Systems

Allows a tax credit for the total installed costs paid by a taxpayer that installs an energy storage system and obtains a tax credit certificate from the Maryland Energy Administration; requires the Administration to issue tax credits not to exceed specified amounts; prohibits the issuance of an aggregate amount of certificates exceeding $750 K in a taxable year and applies to years after December 31, 2017.

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2017 Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard

Requires the Power Plant Research Program to conduct a comprehensive review of the history, implementation, costs and benefits, and effectiveness of the renewable energy portfolio standard related to State energy policies while requiring cooperation of State and local units. It requires presentation of the report to the Governor General Assembly by specified dates.

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2017 Clean Energy – Energy Storage Technology Study

Requires the Power Plant Research Program to conduct a study of regulatory reforms and market incentives necessary to increase the use of energy storage devices in the State; requires consultation with specified entities and interests in conducting the study; prohibits the cost of the study from exceeding $125K per fiscal year; and requires the final report and recommended policy actions presentation to the General Assembly by December 1, 2018.

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2017 Economic Development – Maryland Energy Innovation Institute

Establishes a Maryland Energy Innovation Institute to collaborate with academic institutions on clean energy programs in the State and to attract private investment to clean energy innovation and commercialization in the State. It establishes the Maryland Energy Innovation Fund allocated to the Institute and the Maryland Clean Energy Center; requires the Center to develop a plan to become self-sustaining 5 years after the effective date of the Act and alters the purposes of the Center.

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Maryland Clean Energy Incentive Act of 2016

Extends a credit against the State income tax for electricity-producing facilities using qualified energy resources and placed in service between January 1, 2006, and January 1, 2019; extends the period the Maryland Energy Administration may issue certifications to December 31, 2018; establishes the Maryland Clean Energy Incentive Tax Credit Reserve Fund; and authorizes an appropriation to the Reserve Fund for fiscal years 2018-2019.

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2016 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act – Reauthorization

Repeals the termination date for a provision of law requiring the State to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 25% from 2006 levels by 2020 to a 40% reduction from 2006 levels by 2030; and requires MDE to submit plans to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before specified dates; and requires the Maryland Commission on Climate Change to oversee a study of the economic impact of required reductions on the manufacturing sector.

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2016 Local Government – Clean Energy Loan Programs – Commercial Property Owners – Renewable Energy Projects

Removes the limitation that renewable energy projects by commercial property owners financed through a clean energy loan program have an electric generating capacity of not more than 100 kilowatts.

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2015 Electricity – Community Solar Energy Generating System Program

Establishes a pilot program on community solar energy generating systems through the Public Service Commission; provides for the structure and operation of the program, including generation of electricity and allocation of costs to subscribers; requires the Commission to limit the program, allowing a meaningful study of the program’s results; and requires the Commission to adopt regulations on or before May 15, 2016.

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2015 Environment – Hydraulic Fracturing

Requires the Department of the Environment to adopt regulations that provide for hydraulic fracturing for exploration or production of natural gas in the State; prohibits specified regulations adopted by MDE from becoming effective until October 1, 2017; prohibits the Department from issuing permits authorizing hydraulic fracturing for the exploration or production of natural gas in the State until October 1, 2017.

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2015 Maryland Commission on Climate Change

Establishes the Commission on Climate Change in the Department of the Environment to advise the Governor and General Assembly on ways to mitigate the causes of, prepare for, and adapt to the consequences of climate change; establishes the membership of the Commission; requires the Commission to establish working groups; requires Commission members and working group members to be appointed and convene on or before July 1, 2016; etc.

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2014 Sustainable Communities Tax Credit Program – Extension and Alteration

Extends and alters Sustainable Communities Tax Credit Program; providing for a tax credit for the rehabilitation of small commercial properties; repeals a tax credit for qualified rehabilitated structures; alters the tax credit for high performance buildings; etc.

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2014 Maryland Clean Energy Center- Green Bank Financing Study

Directs the MCEC to study gaps in the marketplace, identify the potential to develop green bank financing, and recommend an implementation strategy based on identified needs.

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2014 Agriculture – Easements – Renewable Energy Generation Facilities

Authorizes the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation to amend an easement to allow the landowner to use the land subject to the easement for renewable energy generation.

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2014 Clean Energy Loan Programs – Private Lenders – Collection of Loan Payments

Establishes a regulatory framework for the implementation of PACE loans. Allows a private lender to provide capital for a commercial loan, with the consent of any holder of a mortgage or deed of trust on the property and allows collection of the loan payments through a private lender or county or municipality surcharge on the owner’s property tax bill.

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2013 School Buildings – Solar Technology – Design Development Documents

Requires the Board of Public Works to adopt regulations requiring design development documents for the construction or renovation of school buildings to include the use of solar technology; requires the Interagency Committee on School Construction to submit a report on the use of solar technologies in specified public school construction and renovation.

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2013 Thermal Energy – Task Force and Regulations

Creates a task force to evaluate amending the RPS to Include Wood and Plant Derived Biomass Systems.

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2013 Offshore Wind Act

This act expands the RPS to include a “carve-out” for offshore wind starting in 2017. It does not specify the percentage of electricity sold in the state generated from offshore wind but leaves it to the PSC to determine each year. It provides protections and alternate scenarios allowing flexibility, keeping rate impacts for ratepayers to a minimum.

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2013 Gas Companies – Rate Regulation – Infrastructure Replacement Surcharge

Allows a gas company to recover costs associated with infrastructure replacement projects through a gas infrastructure replacement surcharge on customer bills.

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2012 Renewable Energy Credits-Qualifying Thermal Biomass Systems

Allows energy from a specified qualifying thermal biomass system to be eligible for inclusion in meeting the RPS, restricted incineration from types of eligible technologies, and identified poultry litter with associated bedding as a qualified feedstock.

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2011 Renewable Energy Portfolio – Waste-to-Energy and Refuse-Derived Fuel

Adds grid tied waste-to-energy to the category of energy generation technologies eligible for Tier I credit in the RPS.

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2011 Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard – Renewable Energy Credits – Solar Water Heating Systems

In 2011, the legislature amended the RPS to add solar thermal technology, typically used to heat water, into the solar carve out. Previously, the solar carve out only included solar photovoltaic, or “PV,” typically used to create electricity.

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2011 Income Tax – Tax Credit for Electric Vehicle Recharging Equipment

Creates a tax credit program for the installation of electric vehicle recharging equipment.  The program is administered by the Maryland Energy Administration with funds from the SEIF.

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2009 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act

The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Act set a goal for Maryland to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases 25% by 2020 (based on 2006 levels). It directs the Maryland Department of the Environment to develop a plan to meet the goals and promulgate regulations with defined terms for compliance.

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2008 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative – Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Act

Established the Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Program and Fund (SEIF) managed by an appointed board and administered by the Maryland Energy Administration. This legislation structured the collection formula and codified the terms of the Alternative Compliance Payments (ACP) collected, as well as the allowed uses for and formula for distribution of the funds collected. the collection formula and codified the terms of the Alternative Compliance Payments (ACP) collected, as well as the allowed uses for and formula for distribution of the funds collected.

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2008 EmPOWER Maryland Energy Efficiency Act of 2008

This legislation set a goal for the state to reduce energy use by 15% and reduce peak demand per capita by 15% by 2015 (based on 2007 levels) through energy efficiency programs. It also established a process by which utilities could collect and utilize a surcharge on ratepayer bills to fund rebates and other implementation strategies approved in advance by the PSC.

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2008 Maryland Clean Energy Center

Enabled the creation of the Maryland Clean Energy Center in statute as a corporate instrumentality of the state to promote economic development and jobs in the clean energy industry sector, promote the deployment of clean energy technology in the state and serve as an incubator for its development; collect, analyze and disseminate industry data; and provide outreach and technical support to further the clean energy industry in the state.

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2007 Electricity – Net Energy Metering – Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard – Solar Energy

Amended the Renewable Portfolio Standard in 2007 to expand the requirement to generate 20% of electricity from renewable sources by 2022, up from the original 7.5% goal while increasing the size of eligible systems to 2 MW and the quantity of net meters in the state to 1,500 MW.  This allows non-utility generators of renewable energy to receive a monetary credit for power directed to the grid.

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2006 Community Energy and Economic Development Grant Program

In 2006, the legislature amended the RPS to create a so-called “Solar Carve-Out” for solar energy within Tier 1. The solar carve out effectively created a new tier for solar, with its own alternative compliance payment and own percentages.

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2006 Healthy Air Act

The Healthy Air Act addressed air pollution from power plants by requiring reductions in nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and mercury. It also required Maryland to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI), a regional pact of northeastern and Mid-Atlantic states to reduce greenhouse gases from power plants.

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2004 Electricity Regulation – Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard and Credit Trading – Maryland Renewable Energy Fund

The 2004 Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) set the stage for much of the future sustainable energy legislation over the past decade. The RPS set a certain percentage of renewable and/or clean energy that had to be sold by electricity suppliers in the state. Maryland is one of many states that use this policy tool to spark the growth of renewable energy facilities.  One of the key features of the Maryland RPS was the separation of energy sources into Tier 1 and Tier 2.

Tier 1 sources were generally defined at the time as sources that had no or very little emissions and very little environmental impact, and were industries that were not yet established in Maryland. Tier 1 included wind, solar and sustainable biomass. Black liquor, a byproduct of paper manufacturing, was also inserted into Tier 1 by the legislature.

Tier 2 included Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSW) and large scale hydro power.

The RPS set an Alternative Compliance Payment (ACP) for entities that did not meet the standards. The ACP is meant to allow market forces to play a role by giving electricity suppliers flexibility in how they meet the standard. The ACP acts as a price ceiling for RECs.

The original RPS legislation in Maryland started slowly and ramped up over time to max out at 7.5%. This means that 7.5% of electricity sold to consumers in the state must come from renewable and/or clean energy sources.

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