Finance Resources

Learn about financial resources, rebates, and incentives to help fund your energy efficiency and clean energy goals.

C3 Fund

The Climate Catalytic Capital (C3) Fund was established with passage of the Climate Solutions Now Act (CSNA) of 2022, It’s purpose is to increase implementation of clean energy measures and technologies intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. This fund is intended to be leveraged further with additional investments of private capital for projects and programs, with a minimum of 40% of the C3 Fund’s investments are to be targeted to assist low-income households and communities.


Serving as a long-term financing solution for funding large projects, MCAP offers clean energy and efficiency financing to government, institutions, and nonprofit organizations. By providing access to lower-cost capital and cost-friendly finance structures, MCEC facilitates large projects, typically $5 million or more, with customized solutions to meet project requirements for terms from 10 to15 years.


MDPACE is a statewide program that provides turn-key, low cost, standardized C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy) to fund energy efficiency improvements for commercial properties.

Access tools and rebates from BGE which will help to elevate your business to the next level by reducing energy costs!

Delmarva helps to improve energy and money savings through incentives and upgrades to both small and medium to large businesses.

Federal Funding Opportunities for Local Decarbonization (FFOLD)
This tool helps state, local, and tribal entities review existing federal funding to advance system-wide energy transition goals.
-Federal Funding Opportunities Database

Maryland Environmental Service (MES)
This database contains over 200 federal, state, and private foundation grants, including alternative/ clean energy related opportunities.
-Federal Funding Opportunities Database

The Energy Savings for Business Program will pay for up to 70% of the total project cost for you to install new energy-efficient equipment in your business.
– Online Energy Management

Find instant savings and incentives for any sized business, including building tune ups and business solutions ranging from old buildings to new construction

Washington Gas
Washington Gas allows business owners to increase energy savings by offering incentives to help commercial, industrial, government, non-profit, group-metered multifamily consumers, and other commercial customers rebates which lower operating costs.

Maryland Energy Administration
The Maryland Energy Administration has a variety of incentives, including grants, loans, rebates, and tax credits.

Potomac Edison Energy Solutions for Business
Potomac Edison Energy Solutions for Business provides incentives as well as technical support for businesses in Potomac Edison’s service territory.


MDPACE, a turn-key, low cost, standardized C-PACE (Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy) program, is a simple and effective way for county governments to create jobs, retain businesses, and keep dollars in the local economy without raising taxes – simply by helping to make commercial buildings more energy-efficient. Property owners accept a voluntary tax assessment to fund projects ranging in size from $50,000-$100,000.

Clean Energy Advantage (CEA) Loan Program

The CEA Loan Pilot Program offers Maryland residents a convenient and affordable financing option for residential energy improvements for all income levels. Reduce your energy bill and improve the comfort of your home with this low-cost financing option.

EmPOWER Maryland
The Maryland General Assembly has previously declared energy efficiency to be among the least expensive ways to meet the growing electricity demands of the state. View details about the program and find incentives offered by your utility.

Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (BGE)
Learn how to save money and energy through BGE’s incentive program and their marketplace! With a variety of products and rebates, you’ll be sure to find the solution that fits your lifestyle.

Delmarva Power & Light Company
With Delmarva’s many energy efficiency programs it is easy to find one perfectly suited for your lifestyle and needs. With energy assessments, rebates and discounts, energy savings credits, and so much more, you’ll be able to personalize your energy savings.

Potomac Edison
Potomac Edison offers resources to help you reduce your home’s energy consumption and save you money. Programs are also available to assist limited income customers.

Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco)
Pepco allows residents to increase energy efficiency while decreasing energy bills. Offering energy assessments and peak energy savings, Pepco allows for energy savings in many forms.

SMECO helps residents to save time and money by finding rebates for their homes and ways to make homes energy efficient. With a variety of rebates ranging from appliances to heating and cooling, and multiple ways to increase energy efficiency within the home, SMECO has the right energy solution for you.

Washington Gas
Washington gas offers amazing rebates for high-efficiency natural gas equipment, allowing customers to save money on energy bills. Rebates are easy to find for home heating, home appliances, and water heating.

BeSMART Energy Efficiency Loan for Homeowners
The BeSMART Home Loan Program provides financing to improve the energy efficiency and comfort of your home. By replacing and upgrading appliances, heating, ventilation and cooling systems, and whole house envelope improvements – homeowners can save on the utility bill.

MD Dept. of Housing and Community Development – Energy Efficiency

– Weatherization Assistance Program
This program helps low income households to install energy efficient measures into their households

Financial resources and incentives are subject to change.

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