Roles & Responsibilities and Committee Charges

The Advisory Council exists to develop a work plan for the Maryland Clean Energy Center (MCEC) and set the framework for activity of the organization, advises the Executive Director, and informs the Board of Directors. The Advisory Council evaluates issues, reviews proposed policy and regulatory matters, facilitates relationship building, and builds awareness of MCEC to encourage adoption of its mission. The Council identifies and works to remove barriers to success in the energy sector.

The Advisory Council draws input from collaborative groups to direct activity related to finance, outreach & education, policy & legislation, advancing innovation, and measuring impacts as related to the MCEC mission and market expansion for advanced energy.

Time Commitment & Expectations: Advisory Council members serve in a voluntary capacity for a term of one year. Members are expected to attend an annual meeting, serve on at least one committee (listed below), and engage with MCEC staff, board members, and stakeholders, as needed to accomplish Council goals and objectives. Interested individuals are required to APPLY, and selected candidates will be confirmed by the MCEC Board of Directors.

2024 Advisory Council Committees:

    Assist with planning events and activities designed to facilitate professional development, general education on a variety of topics relevant to the local advanced energy economy, and fostering B2B relationships. Investigate and support accreditation options for educational programming.
    Identify challenges of broadening inclusivity for climate justice that can be addressed by MCEC. Recommend initiatives to support environmental justice in relation to energy supply and demand in Maryland and the region. Establish partnerships and develop resources to support environmental justice in the energy sector.
    Develop and implement options and programs to increase access to capital for consumers, small businesses, and through venture investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy and related business development.
    Works to advance access to markets, access to capital and business development assistance for commercialization of technologies, as well as start-up entrepreneurial ventures. Facilitates opportunities for business to business networking, to provide technical support and develop funding to support the Clean Energy Technology Incubator network.
    Set filters through which proposed policy and pending legislation is reviewed to inform policy makers and appointed officials on the local, state and federal level. Provides planning guidance for the annual MCEC Legislative Reception and offers testimony on appropriate matters.

What is MCEC?

The Maryland Clean Energy Center (MCEC) is a corporate instrumentality of the state created by the General Assembly with a statute-directed mission to advance clean energy and energy efficiency products, services, and technologies as part of a specific economic development strategy. MCEC works to implement financing solutions that catalyze the growth of business, create jobs, and make clean energy technologies, products and services affordable and accessible for Maryland consumers.

Who is MCEC?

MCEC is managed by a board of directors who are appointed by the Governor. MCEC also maintains an advisory council, composed of both public and private stakeholders acting in the energy sector, who help guide the work plan of the organization.

What does MCEC do?

MCEC serves as a statewide green bank with a mission to transform the energy economy in Maryland by increasing clean energy jobs, driving commercialization of technological innovations, and enabling consumer adoption of clean energy products and services. MCEC facilitates access to capital through leveraged or direct investment and operates financing programs targeted to serve various consumer audiences and underserved communities. The Center provides specialized procurement and technical support in order to facilitate and expedite project implementation.

MCEC engages in efforts to help:

  • create and retain jobs
  • drive economic and business development in local communities
  • assist in the commercialization of innovative technologies
  • reduce energy costs for consumers, and
  • support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions associated with the use of fossil fuels

MCEC leverages private capital and private sector capabilities to help homeowners and businesses save money on their energy bills.

With implementation of the Clean Energy Advantage (CEA) Loan Program in 2022 and the Maryland Clean Energy Capital Program (MCAP) in 2012, MCEC is working to remove barriers associated with access to capital for residential, commercial, institutional, municipal and not-for-profit consumers who wish to make energy improvements and related capital investments. In addition, MCEC oversees the Maryland Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (MDPACE) Program.

In keeping with its mission to support tech to market commercialization of energy technologies emerging from universities and labs in the state, MCEC also operates the Maryland Energy Innovation Accelerator (MEIA).

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